2014 |
Water Supply Assessment, Through the Years Daycare and Community Centre, Hubbards, Nova Scotia |
2014 |
Level I Groundwater Assessment, Milestone Properties, St. Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia |
2014 |
Water Supply Assessment, Black Loyalist Heritage Centre, Birchtown, Nova Scotia |
2014 |
Hydrogeological services for an audit of the Anglo Mantoverde open pit copper mine, AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Chile |
2014 |
Hydrogeological services for an audit of the Anglo Mantoverde open pit copper mine, AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Chile |
2013-14 |
Review of Hydrogeology Model for Wabush 3 (IOCC), Town of Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador |
2013-2014 |
Water Supply Assessment, The Anchorage at Deep Cove, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia |
2012-2014 |
Water Supply Action Plan, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador |
2010-2014 |
Hydrogeological Investigation for the Novartis Animal Health Research Facility, TIR, Victoria, Prince Edward Island |
2013 |
Geothermal Well Inspections, North East Correctional Facility, Pictou, Nova Scotia |
2013 |
Water Supply Assessment, Forest Lakes Country Club, West Hants County, Nova Scotia |
2013 |
Level I Groundwater Assessment, Residential Development, Marine Drive, Logy-Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2012-2013 |
Level I Groundwater Assessment, Cygnet Properties, Enfield, Nova Scotia |
2010 |
Application of Slope Model to Coupled Hydromechanical Processes in Fractured Rock Slopes, CSIRO, Australia |
2010 |
Review of Hydrological Assessment for Bridge Design, TIR, West River, Antigonish, Nova Scotia |
2010 |
Preliminary Assessment of Arsenic in Groundwater Discharge from the New Water Supply Well at the Haley Institute, NSAC, Bible Hill, Nova Scotia |
2009-2010 |
Prime Hydrogeology Consultant for Ongoing Hydrogeology Work at Snap Lake Diamond Mine, De Beers Canada, Northwest Territories |
2009 |
Potable Water Supply Well Design and Installation for the Proposed Lakeview Consolidated School, TIR, Porter's Lake, Nova Scotia |
2009 |
Water Quality Assessment and Design of a New Water Treatment System for Musquodoboit Rural High School, Nova Scotia |
2009 |
Well Redevelopment vis Surge-Blocking / Air Lifting, Town of Stephenville Well Field, Stephenville, Newfoundland |
2009 |
Renewable Energy Feasibility Study For The Daniel’s Harbour Fish Hatchery, Daniel’s Harbour Newfoundland |
2009 |
Phase I Domestic Water Supply Assessment, Client Confidential, West Hants, Nova Scotia |
2009 |
Hydrogeological Assessment and Field Program, Madeline Myers, 9331 St. Margaret’s Bay Road, Queensland, Nova Scotia |
2008 |
Stephenville Fish Hatchery Monitoring Well Program, Stephenville, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Hydrogeological Assessment of the Country Living Zone CDA, Stephenville, Residential Development, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Labrador City Environmental Review, Labrador |
2008 |
Phase 2 Water Supply Assessment, Nakile Home for Special Care, Glenwood, Nova Scotia |
2008 |
Phase 1 Hydrogeological Assessment, Larsen Packers Limited, Berwick, Kings County, Nova Scotia |
2008 |
Annual Hydrogeological Assessment, Mink Cove, Nova Scotia |
2008 |
Archaeological Assessment Work During Electrical Upgrades at Sherbrooke Village, Nova Scotia |
2007 |
Groundwater, Surface Water, Sediment and Leachate Monitoring, Cogmagun Landfill, West Hants, Nova Scotia |
2007 |
Hydrogeological Assessment, Larsen Packers, King’s County, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
GUDI System Assessment, Air Industrial Park, Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
Surface Water, Groundwater, Sediment and Gas Monitoring, Cogmagun Landfill, Hants County, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
Archaeological Assessment, Debert Air Industrial Park, Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
Remove Plug in NQ Hole, Daniel’s Harbour, Newfoundland |
2006 |
Victor Monitoring Well Program, Victor Site, Northern Ontario |
2006 |
Springdale Water Study, Newfoundland |
2006 |
Aquifer Tests, Small Point-Broad Cove-Adams Cove, Newfoundland |
2006 |
Victor Dewatering Wells, Phase 2, Victor Site, Northern Ontario |
2006 |
La Granja Copper Project, Peru |
2006 |
Snap Lake Sediment Survey, Northwest Territories |
2005 |
Water Supply Well, Millertown, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Water Diversion Study, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2005 |
DTPW Water Control Study, Nova Scotia |
2005 |
Spring Gulch Water Supply Study, Labrador |
2005 |
Victor Project Water Intake Structure, Victor Site, Northern Ontario |
2005 |
Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Remediation, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Stellarton Water Supply Study, Nova Scotia |
2005 |
Roddickton Mine Hydrogeology Study, Newfoundland |
2005 |
St. George’s Water Supply Study, Newfoundland |
2005 |
South Brook Water Supply Study, Newfoundland |
2005 |
LabMag Iron Ore Study, Labrador |
2004 |
Stephenville Crossing Water Supply Study, Newfoundland |
2004 |
Maple Leaf Plant, Hydrogeological Study, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
St. Margaret’s Centre Water Supply Study, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
HRM Hydrogeological Assessment, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Nakile Home, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Stephenville Water Supply, Newfoundland |
2004 |
Sullivan’s Dairy Farm, Newfoundland |
2004 |
Goose Bay Pump Reconfiguration, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Sydney Well Field, Nova Scotia |
2003 |
Sambro Survey, Nova Scotia |
2003 |
BELCO Borehole Cooling, Bermuda |
2003 |
Rencontre East Groundwater Supply, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Goose Bay Water Quality Assessment, Labrador |
2003 |
Port au Port West Hydrogeological Study, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Remediation, Labrador |
2003 |
Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Protection Plan, Labrador |
2003 |
Thorburn Road, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Freshwater 24-hour Pump Test - DMPA, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Small Point Aquifer - DMPA, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Logy Bay Water Delivery System, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia |
2002 |
Daniel’s Harbour Hatchery, Daniel’s Harbour, Newfoundland |
2002 |
St. George’s Water Supply, St. George’s, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Farewell Ferry Terminal, Farewell, Newfoundland |
2002 |
The Woods Golf Course, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Green Bay Waste Management Site, Green Bay, Newfoundland |
2001 |
South Brook, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Glenwood/Appleton, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Trinity, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Botwood, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Bellevue Beach, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Millertown, Newfoundland |
2000 |
Kippens Monitoring, Kippens, Newfoundland |
2000 |
Southern Peru, Peru |
2000 |
Sandy Cove, Newfoundland |
2000 |
Clarenville, Newfoundland |
2000 |
Portugal Cove, Newfoundland |
2000 |
Lethbridge, Newfoundland |
1999 |
Green’s Harbour, Newfoundland |
1999 |
Magnetite Mine, Newfoundland |
1999 |
Argentia, Newfoundland |
1999 |
Burin, Newfoundland |
1999 |
Halifax, Nova Scotia |
1999 |
Oxford, Nova Scotia |
1999 |
Richibucto, Nova Scotia |
1998 |
Dormandy’s Brook, Humber South, Newfoundland |
1998 |
Giant Mine, Yellowknife, North West Territories |
1997 |
Kippens Well Field, Kippens, Newfoundland |
1997 |
Stephenville Well Field, Stephenville, Newfoundland |
1997 |
Wabush Mines, Wabush, Labrador |
1995 |
CVRD Mine, Brazil |
1995 |
Goose Bay Well Field, Goose Bay, Labrador |
1993 |
Gays River Mine, Nova Scotia |
2012-2014 |
Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring, Mount William Solid Waste Management Facility, Pictou County, Nova Scotia |
2008-2013 |
Groundwater, Surface Water and Leachate Monitoring at the Cogmagun Landfill, Municipality of the District of West Hants, Windsor, Nova Scotia |
2010 |
Cochrane Street United Church Asbestos and Air Sampling Monitoring, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Observation Well Network, Nova Scotia |
2007 |
Country Ribbon Water Sampling, Paddy’s Pond, Newfoundland |
2007 |
Mine Reclamation/Remediation for the Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC), Site Closure Program, environmental, engineering and resident construction services during construction, Sydney, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
Drilling and Monitoring Well Installations, Parking Lot S-33, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |
2006 |
Goose Bay Contamination Assessment, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador |
2006 |
Abydoz Environmental Sampling, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2005 |
District of West Hants Landfill, Nova Scotia |
2005 |
Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Stewiacke, Colchester County, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
White Hills Road Property, Newfoundland |
2004 |
Former Boylen Farm, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Nain Swimming Hole, Labrador |
2004 |
Whelan UST Investigation, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Priestville Landfill Water Sampling, Nova Scotia |
2003 |
Mount William Landfill Water Sampling, Nova Scotia |
2003 |
MacDonnell Group, Nova Scotia |
2003 |
Hayward Avenue Soil Testing, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Pleasantville UST Removal, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Monkstown Road UST, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Country Ribbon Spill, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Green Bay Waste Management Site, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Pleasantville UST Removal, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Fuel Oil Spill, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Former CE Construction Centre, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |
2001 |
Queen’s Printer Building, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |
2000 |
New Glasgow Armoury, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |
2000 |
Pictou Armoury, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |
1998 |
Pier 27, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
1998 |
Pier 27 & 28, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
1998 |
Provincial Highways Depot, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia |
1998 |
Provincial Highways Depot, Middleton, Nova Scotia |
1997 |
Deer Lake Airport, Newfoundland |
1997 |
Newfoundland Dockyard, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
1997 |
Steambath Pond, Baie Verte, Newfoundland |
1996 |
Argentia, Newfoundland |
1996 |
Marine Facilities, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
1996 |
Pleasantville, Newfoundland |
1996 |
Spaniard’s Bay, Newfoundland |
1995 |
Gander Airport, Gander, Newfoundland |
1995 |
Voisey’s Bay, Labrador |
1993 |
GEO Station, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
1992 |
Fuel Oil Spill, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Nain Remediation, Labrador |
2014 |
Patrick Street Assessment of Disposal Options for Lead-Impacted Building Materials, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Gower Street Remediation, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Placentia Remediation, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Cape Broyle Remediation, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Topsail Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Rennie’s Mill Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2014 |
Roche Street Remediation, Newfoundland |
2013 |
Blackmarsh Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2013 |
Connemara Place Remediation, Newfoundland |
2013 |
Riverside Drive Remediation, Newfoundland |
2012 |
Joshua Street Site Remediation, Newfoundland |
2012 |
Pouch Cove Highway Remediation, Newfoundland |
2011 |
Grieve Street Remediation, Newfoundland |
2011 |
Bay Bulls Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2011 |
Albany Street Remediation, Newfoundland |
2011 |
Chestnut Place Remediation, Newfoundland |
2011 |
Quidi Vidi Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2010 |
Rennie’s Mill Road Site Remediation, Newfoundland |
2010 |
Sir Albert Walsh Drive Site Remediation, Newfoundland |
2009 |
Laughlin Crescent Site Remediation, Newfoundland |
2009 |
Shoal Harbour Site Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Freshwater Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Princeton Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
BELCO Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Creston Place Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Alexander Street Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
New Pennywell Road Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
St. Michael’s Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Kings Bridge Road Remediation Report Review, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Craigmillar Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland |
2008 |
Gowrie Group Preliminary Conceptual Action Plan and Gap Identification, Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC), CBDC Site Closure Program, New Brunswick |
2006 |
Cornwall Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland |
2006 |
Neil’s Line Remediation, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Oil Plume Mapping, Hamilton, Bermuda |
2005 |
Chapel Arm Review, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Penneywell Avenue Review, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Neil’s Line Oil Spill, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Three Island Pond Oil Spill, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Fourth Street Oil Spill, Newfoundland |
2005 |
Boylen Farm, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Musquodoboit Remediation, Nova Scotia |
2004 |
Ancorage Road Oil Spill Remediation, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Botwood Contaminated Site, Newfoundland |
2003 |
Circular Road Oil Spill, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Parkers Pond, Canadian Forces Station, St. John’s, Newfoundland |
2002 |
Kingsville Highway Remediation Supervision, Nova Scotia |
2002 |
Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia |
2002 |
Sunnyside Biopile, Sunnyside, Newfoundland |
2001 |
Hydrocarbon Remediation, Hamilton, Bermuda |
2001 |
Lead Contamination at Former CE Production Centre, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia |