Project Management/Technical Reviews for Large Environmental Projects

2014 Development of a Source Water Protection Plan, Landrie Lake Watershed, Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia
2013 Peer Review of Adaptive Phased Management (APM) Pre-Project Report, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Ontario
2012-2013 Site Supervision of Demolition and Remediation Work, Wiles Lake Depot, Wileville, Nova Scotia
2012-2013 Preliminary Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Assessment, Itasca Consultants, Minnesota, United States
2012 Preliminary Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Assessment, Rubicon Minerals Corporation, Red Lake, Ontario
2009 Project Management and Supervision of Demolition of Waverley Memorial Elementary School, Waverley, Nova Scotia
2009 Project Management and Supervision of Demolition of L.C. Skerry Elementary School, Waverley, Nova Scotia
2009 Tender Document Issuance and Results for Upgrading the Scotia Centre Emergency Generator Fuel Supply System, East Port Properties, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2006 Site Supervision of Demolition and Remediation Work, Bell Road Community College, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2005 Nova Scotia Community College, Nova Scotia
2003 Victor Diamond Project, Ontario; Snap Lake and Gahcho Kué Diamond Projects, Northwest Territories
1999 Former Argentia Naval Base, Newfoundland
1992 Investigation and Remediation, Gander, Newfoundland
1992 Makinsons Salvage Yard, Makinsons, Newfoundland
1977 Radioactive Nuclear Waste Disposal Study, Stripa, Sweden

Hydrogeology, Mine Dewatering, Hydrology & Water Supply

2014 Water Supply Assessment, Through the Years Daycare and Community Centre, Hubbards, Nova Scotia
2014 Level I Groundwater Assessment, Milestone Properties, St. Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia
2014 Water Supply Assessment, Black Loyalist Heritage Centre, Birchtown, Nova Scotia
2014 Hydrogeological services for an audit of the Anglo Mantoverde open pit copper mine, AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Chile
2014 Hydrogeological services for an audit of the Anglo Mantoverde open pit copper mine, AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Chile
2013-14 Review of Hydrogeology Model for Wabush 3 (IOCC), Town of Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador
2013-2014 Water Supply Assessment, The Anchorage at Deep Cove, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia
2012-2014 Water Supply Action Plan, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
2010-2014 Hydrogeological Investigation for the Novartis Animal Health Research Facility, TIR, Victoria, Prince Edward Island
2013 Geothermal Well Inspections, North East Correctional Facility, Pictou, Nova Scotia
2013 Water Supply Assessment, Forest Lakes Country Club, West Hants County, Nova Scotia
2013 Level I Groundwater Assessment, Residential Development, Marine Drive, Logy-Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2012-2013 Level I Groundwater Assessment, Cygnet Properties, Enfield, Nova Scotia
2010 Application of Slope Model to Coupled Hydromechanical Processes in Fractured Rock Slopes, CSIRO, Australia
2010 Review of Hydrological Assessment for Bridge Design, TIR, West River, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
2010 Preliminary Assessment of Arsenic in Groundwater Discharge from the New Water Supply Well at the Haley Institute, NSAC, Bible Hill, Nova Scotia
2009-2010 Prime Hydrogeology Consultant for Ongoing Hydrogeology Work at Snap Lake Diamond Mine, De Beers Canada, Northwest Territories
2009 Potable Water Supply Well Design and Installation for the Proposed Lakeview Consolidated School, TIR, Porter's Lake, Nova Scotia
2009 Water Quality Assessment and Design of a New Water Treatment System for Musquodoboit Rural High School, Nova Scotia
2009 Well Redevelopment vis Surge-Blocking / Air Lifting, Town of Stephenville Well Field, Stephenville, Newfoundland
2009 Renewable Energy Feasibility Study For The Daniel’s Harbour Fish Hatchery, Daniel’s Harbour Newfoundland
2009 Phase I Domestic Water Supply Assessment, Client Confidential, West Hants, Nova Scotia
2009 Hydrogeological Assessment and Field Program, Madeline Myers, 9331 St. Margaret’s Bay Road, Queensland, Nova Scotia
2008 Stephenville Fish Hatchery Monitoring Well Program, Stephenville, Newfoundland
2008 Hydrogeological Assessment of the Country Living Zone CDA, Stephenville, Residential Development, Newfoundland
2008 Labrador City Environmental Review, Labrador
2008 Phase 2 Water Supply Assessment, Nakile Home for Special Care, Glenwood, Nova Scotia
2008 Phase 1 Hydrogeological Assessment, Larsen Packers Limited, Berwick, Kings County, Nova Scotia
2008 Annual Hydrogeological Assessment, Mink Cove, Nova Scotia
2008 Archaeological Assessment Work During Electrical Upgrades at Sherbrooke Village, Nova Scotia
2007 Groundwater, Surface Water, Sediment and Leachate Monitoring, Cogmagun Landfill, West Hants, Nova Scotia
2007 Hydrogeological Assessment, Larsen Packers, King’s County, Nova Scotia
2006 GUDI System Assessment, Air Industrial Park, Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
2006 Surface Water, Groundwater, Sediment and Gas Monitoring, Cogmagun Landfill, Hants County, Nova Scotia
2006 Archaeological Assessment, Debert Air Industrial Park, Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
2006 Remove Plug in NQ Hole, Daniel’s Harbour, Newfoundland
2006 Victor Monitoring Well Program, Victor Site, Northern Ontario
2006 Springdale Water Study, Newfoundland
2006 Aquifer Tests, Small Point-Broad Cove-Adams Cove, Newfoundland
2006 Victor Dewatering Wells, Phase 2, Victor Site, Northern Ontario
2006 La Granja Copper Project, Peru
2006 Snap Lake Sediment Survey, Northwest Territories
2005 Water Supply Well, Millertown, Newfoundland
2005 Water Diversion Study, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2005 DTPW Water Control Study, Nova Scotia
2005 Spring Gulch Water Supply Study, Labrador
2005 Victor Project Water Intake Structure, Victor Site, Northern Ontario
2005 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Remediation, Newfoundland
2005 Stellarton Water Supply Study, Nova Scotia
2005 Roddickton Mine Hydrogeology Study, Newfoundland
2005 St. George’s Water Supply Study, Newfoundland
2005 South Brook Water Supply Study, Newfoundland
2005 LabMag Iron Ore Study, Labrador
2004 Stephenville Crossing Water Supply Study, Newfoundland
2004 Maple Leaf Plant, Hydrogeological Study, Nova Scotia
2004 St. Margaret’s Centre Water Supply Study, Nova Scotia
2004 HRM Hydrogeological Assessment, Nova Scotia
2004 Nakile Home, Nova Scotia
2004 Stephenville Water Supply, Newfoundland
2004 Sullivan’s Dairy Farm, Newfoundland
2004 Goose Bay Pump Reconfiguration, Newfoundland
2003 Sydney Well Field, Nova Scotia
2003 Sambro Survey, Nova Scotia
2003 BELCO Borehole Cooling, Bermuda
2003 Rencontre East Groundwater Supply, Newfoundland
2003 Goose Bay Water Quality Assessment, Labrador
2003 Port au Port West Hydrogeological Study, Newfoundland
2003 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Remediation, Labrador
2003 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Well Field Protection Plan, Labrador
2003 Thorburn Road, Newfoundland
2002 Freshwater 24-hour Pump Test - DMPA, Newfoundland
2002 Small Point Aquifer - DMPA, Newfoundland
2002 Logy Bay Water Delivery System, Newfoundland
2002 Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia
2002 Daniel’s Harbour Hatchery, Daniel’s Harbour, Newfoundland
2002 St. George’s Water Supply, St. George’s, Newfoundland
2002 Farewell Ferry Terminal, Farewell, Newfoundland
2002 The Woods Golf Course, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2002 Green Bay Waste Management Site, Green Bay, Newfoundland
2001 South Brook, Newfoundland
2001 Glenwood/Appleton, Newfoundland
2001 Trinity, Newfoundland
2001 Botwood, Newfoundland
2001 Bellevue Beach, Newfoundland
2001 Millertown, Newfoundland
2000 Kippens Monitoring, Kippens, Newfoundland
2000 Southern Peru, Peru
2000 Sandy Cove, Newfoundland
2000 Clarenville, Newfoundland
2000 Portugal Cove, Newfoundland
2000 Lethbridge, Newfoundland
1999 Green’s Harbour, Newfoundland
1999 Magnetite Mine, Newfoundland
1999 Argentia, Newfoundland
1999 Burin, Newfoundland
1999 Halifax, Nova Scotia
1999 Oxford, Nova Scotia
1999 Richibucto, Nova Scotia
1998 Dormandy’s Brook, Humber South, Newfoundland
1998 Giant Mine, Yellowknife, North West Territories
1997 Kippens Well Field, Kippens, Newfoundland
1997 Stephenville Well Field, Stephenville, Newfoundland
1997 Wabush Mines, Wabush, Labrador
1995 CVRD Mine, Brazil
1995 Goose Bay Well Field, Goose Bay, Labrador
1993 Gays River Mine, Nova Scotia

Wastewater and Stormwater Projects

2012 Flood Risk Assessment, Jeddore Road, HRM, Nova Scotia
2010 Hydrotechnical Culvert Study (HCS) in support of a HCS being conducted on behalf of Canadian National Engineering and Environmental Services (CN East), Mile 15.7, Windsor Junction, Nova Scotia
2010 Site Assessment and Flooding Solution Recommendations, Paradise, Newfoundland
2010 Evaluation of Groundwater Elevation and Site Drainage, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2006-2009 Assessment and Annual Monitoring of the Aerated-Lagoon Sewage Treatment Facility, Eastern Shore Industrial Park, HRM, Nova Scotia
2005-2008 Provision of Operational and Maintenance Support to the INCO Argentia Hydromet Sewage Treatment Plant, Argentia, Newfoundland
2006 Assessment and Evaluation of the Island Vacuum Lagoon Site, Crowdis Mountain, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
2005 Options for On-Site and Small Scale Wastewater Management, HRM (multi-disciplinary study involving Land Design Engineering Services, Ekistics Planning and Design, John W. Zuck & Associates, Spatial Metrics Atlantic, and Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.)
2004 Engineering Evaluation of the Package Sewage Treatment Plant at Sherose Island, Municipality of Barrington, Nova Scotia
2003 Assessment and Remediation of Sewage Outfall from Package Sewage Treatment Plant, Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Hubley, Nova Scotia
2002 Upgrades to the Effluent Disposal System, Oily Water Treatment Plant, Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited, Bermuda
2001 Catch Basin Sampling and Characterization, CFB Halifax - Willow Park Engineering Yard, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Environmental Drilling/Sampling/Monitoring

2012-2014 Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring, Mount William Solid Waste Management Facility, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
2008-2013 Groundwater, Surface Water and Leachate Monitoring at the Cogmagun Landfill, Municipality of the District of West Hants, Windsor, Nova Scotia
2010 Cochrane Street United Church Asbestos and Air Sampling Monitoring, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2008 Observation Well Network, Nova Scotia
2007 Country Ribbon Water Sampling, Paddy’s Pond, Newfoundland
2007 Mine Reclamation/Remediation for the Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC), Site Closure Program, environmental, engineering and resident construction services during construction, Sydney, Nova Scotia
2006 Drilling and Monitoring Well Installations, Parking Lot S-33, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
2006 Goose Bay Contamination Assessment, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador
2006 Abydoz Environmental Sampling, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2005 District of West Hants Landfill, Nova Scotia
2005 Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Nova Scotia
2004 Stewiacke, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
2004 White Hills Road Property, Newfoundland
2004 Former Boylen Farm, Nova Scotia
2004 Nain Swimming Hole, Labrador
2004 Whelan UST Investigation, Newfoundland
2003 Priestville Landfill Water Sampling, Nova Scotia
2003 Mount William Landfill Water Sampling, Nova Scotia
2003 MacDonnell Group, Nova Scotia
2003 Hayward Avenue Soil Testing, Newfoundland
2003 Pleasantville UST Removal, Newfoundland
2003 Monkstown Road UST, Newfoundland
2003 Country Ribbon Spill, Newfoundland
2002 Green Bay Waste Management Site, Newfoundland
2002 Pleasantville UST Removal, Newfoundland
2001 Fuel Oil Spill, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2001 Former CE Construction Centre, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
2001 Queen’s Printer Building, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
2000 New Glasgow Armoury, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
2000 Pictou Armoury, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
1998 Pier 27, St. John’s, Newfoundland
1998 Pier 27 & 28, St. John’s, Newfoundland
1998 Provincial Highways Depot, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia
1998 Provincial Highways Depot, Middleton, Nova Scotia
1997 Deer Lake Airport, Newfoundland
1997 Newfoundland Dockyard, St. John’s, Newfoundland
1997 Steambath Pond, Baie Verte, Newfoundland
1996 Argentia, Newfoundland
1996 Marine Facilities, St. John’s, Newfoundland
1996 Pleasantville, Newfoundland
1996 Spaniard’s Bay, Newfoundland
1995 Gander Airport, Gander, Newfoundland
1995 Voisey’s Bay, Labrador
1993 GEO Station, St. John’s, Newfoundland
1992 Fuel Oil Spill, St. John’s, Newfoundland

Geotechnical Investigations

2013 Geotechnical Investigation, West Coast Correctional Centre, Stephenville, Newfoundland
2013 Slope Stability Assessment, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland
2011 Slope Stability Assessment, Bayview Estates, Corner Brook, Newfoundland
2010 Geotechnical Analysis and Recommendation for Design of Lift Bridge Abutment and Pier Foundations, Placentia, Newfoundland
2010 Assessment of Rock Slope Stability for DFO Pump House Area, PWGSC, St. John’s Newfoundland
2010 Geotechnical Site Investigation, PWGSC, Owl’s Head, HRM, Nova Scotia
2010 Marine Geotechnical Investigation, PWGSC, Ingonish Ferry, South Ingonish
2010 Marine Geotechnical Investigation, PWGSC, Sydport, Sydney, Nova Scotia
2009 Geotechnical Site Investigation, PWGSC, Mabou, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
2009 Marine Geotechnical Investigation, PWGSC, Cribbon’s Point, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia
2009-2010 Marine Geotechnical Investigation at Caribou (Fisherman’s Wharf), PWGSC, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
1998-2014 Completed more than 100 land-based and marine geotechnical investigations at sites in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Labrador

Site Remediation and Decommissioning

2014 Nain Remediation, Labrador
2014 Patrick Street Assessment of Disposal Options for Lead-Impacted Building Materials, Newfoundland
2014 Gower Street Remediation, Newfoundland
2014 Placentia Remediation, Newfoundland
2014 Cape Broyle Remediation, Newfoundland
2014 Topsail Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2014 Rennie’s Mill Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2014 Roche Street Remediation, Newfoundland
2013 Blackmarsh Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2013 Connemara Place Remediation, Newfoundland
2013 Riverside Drive Remediation, Newfoundland
2012 Joshua Street Site Remediation, Newfoundland
2012 Pouch Cove Highway Remediation, Newfoundland
2011 Grieve Street Remediation, Newfoundland
2011 Bay Bulls Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2011 Albany Street Remediation, Newfoundland
2011 Chestnut Place Remediation, Newfoundland
2011 Quidi Vidi Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2010 Rennie’s Mill Road Site Remediation, Newfoundland
2010 Sir Albert Walsh Drive Site Remediation, Newfoundland
2009 Laughlin Crescent Site Remediation, Newfoundland
2009 Shoal Harbour Site Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Freshwater Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Princeton Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 BELCO Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Creston Place Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Alexander Street Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 New Pennywell Road Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 St. Michael’s Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Kings Bridge Road Remediation Report Review, Newfoundland
2008 Craigmillar Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland
2008 Gowrie Group Preliminary Conceptual Action Plan and Gap Identification, Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC), CBDC Site Closure Program, New Brunswick
2006 Cornwall Avenue Remediation, Newfoundland
2006 Neil’s Line Remediation, Newfoundland
2005 Oil Plume Mapping, Hamilton, Bermuda
2005 Chapel Arm Review, Newfoundland
2005 Penneywell Avenue Review, Newfoundland
2005 Neil’s Line Oil Spill, Newfoundland
2005 Three Island Pond Oil Spill, Newfoundland
2005 Fourth Street Oil Spill, Newfoundland
2005 Boylen Farm, Nova Scotia
2004 Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia
2004 Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia
2004 Musquodoboit Remediation, Nova Scotia
2004 Ancorage Road Oil Spill Remediation, Newfoundland
2003 Botwood Contaminated Site, Newfoundland
2003 Circular Road Oil Spill, Newfoundland
2002 Parkers Pond, Canadian Forces Station, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2002 Kingsville Highway Remediation Supervision, Nova Scotia
2002 Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Five Island Lake, Nova Scotia
2002 Sunnyside Biopile, Sunnyside, Newfoundland
2001 Hydrocarbon Remediation, Hamilton, Bermuda
2001 Lead Contamination at Former CE Production Centre, Stadacona, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia